
Kumpulan Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang, 3 Orang, Dan 4 Orang Perihal Complaining

Kumpulan Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang, 3Orang, dan 4 Orang Tentang Complaining – Sobat Soalterbaru.com untuk melengkapi pola obrolan dalam bahasa inggris yang sudah saya posting pada artikel yang berjudul Kumpulan Contoh Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris, kali ini saya akan tambahkan bahan obrolan bahasa Inggris kita dengan tema expressing / making complaints. Namu sebelum melihat contoh obrolan bahasa Inggris wacana complaints di bawah, ada baiknya Anda pelajari terlebih dahulu apa itu complaints dan apa-apa saja ungkapan wacana complaints dalam bahasa Inggris.

What is Complaint?

Komplain (Complaint) yakni verbal ketidaksukaan atau perasaan terganggu sebagai sebuah reaksi terhadap apa yang dilihat pembicara sebagai sesuatu yang merugikan, mengecewakan, atau tidak menyenangkan. Semisal anda membeli sebuah barang dari online shop. Setelah barang tersebut anda terima, ternyata barang tersebut berbeda dengan apa yang anda lihat di gambar. Pada kondisi tersebut anda mungkin akan complaint wacana ketidaksesuain tersebut ke pada si penjual (online shop).  Lalu, bagaimana menyatakan complaint dalam bahasa Inggris? Berikut pembahasannya untuk teman Soalterbaru.com semua.


Berikut beberapa ungkapan untuk complaining:
1. I have a complaint to make ...  (Saya ingin complain…..)
2. Sorry to bother you but... (Maaf mengganggumu, tetapi…..)
3. I'm sorry to say this but... (Saya meminta maaf untuk mengatakannya, namun….)
4. I'm afraid I've got a complaint about... (Saya takut saya complain tentang…..)
5. I'm afraid there is a slight problem with... (Saya takut ada sedikit persoalan dengan….)
6. Excuse me but there is a problem about... (Maafkan saya, namun ada persoalan tentang….)
7. I want to complain about... (Saya ingin complain tentang…..)
8. I'm angry about... (Saya murka tentang….)

Responding to Complaints

A. Respons positif untuk complaints:
1. I'm so sorry, but this will never happen again. (Saya meminta maaf sebesar-besarnya, namun ini tidak akan terjadi lagi.)
2. I'm sorry, we promise never to make the same mistake again. (Saya meminta maaf, kami berjanji tidak akan menciptakan kesalahan yang sama lagi.)
3. I'm really sorry; we'll not do the same mistake again. (Saya benar-benar meminta maaf: kami tidak akan melaksanakan kesalahan yang sama lagi.)
B. Respons negatif untuk complaints:
1. Sorry there is nothing we can do about it. (Maaf tidak ada yang sanggup kami lakukan berkaitan wacana hal tersebut.)
2. I'm afraid that there isn't much we can do about it. (Saya takut tidak banyak yang kami sanggup lakukan berkaitan wacana hal tersebut.)
3. We are sorry but the food is just alright. (Kami meminta maaf, namun makanannya baik-baik saja.)

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang wacana Making Complaint

X: Hello, good morning..
Y: Good morning, can I help you?
X: Yeah, my name is Mr. Reey. Can I speak to the owner of liatliatdulu.com?
Y: Yes, I’m. Anything I can do for you Mr.?
X: I want to complain about the shoes I ordered from this online shopping site last week.
Y: Ok Mr. what happened?
X: I'm afraid there is a slight problem with their size. I had ordered size 40 for those shoes, but you sent me size 41. I need to get the size I have ordered before.
Y: Ok Mr., would you mind returning the shoes to my address and once it arrives here, I will send you the shoes you have ordered. I'm sorry, we promise never to make the same mistake again.
X: Not at all. I will send the shoes this afternoon.
Y: Ok Mr. once again I'm really sorry; we'll not do the same mistake again.
X: Ok no problem. See you.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang wacana Making Complaint

X: Hi Y, why you look so sad?
Y: Yeah, I have a little problem recently.
Z: What happens, please tell us?
Y: Hmm, I'm afraid I've got a complaint about the phone which I bought from you yesterday Z.
Z: Ok, what is the problem?
Y: I'm sorry to say this but it couldn’t be charged properly.
Z: I’m sorry but the phone was just alright. It worked properly the last time I charged the phone.
X: Did it fall down Y?
Y: No, it didn’t. I don’t know what happened.
X: Hmm, I think it’s better for us to collect some money and buy the charger together. Do you agree Z?
Z: Ok, I agree X. What about you Y?
Y: No, I don’t want to burden both of you.
X: No, no, no. You must agree with us. We are friend; what are friends for?
Y: Yeah, ok. Thanks for your help guys.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang wacana Making Complaint

V: Hai friends, how long have you been waiting for me?
Z: Hmmm almost one hour! Where have you been V?
Y: Huuuuh, She must have dated with her boy friend.
V: hehehe, no no no. I have just accompanied my mom to go shopping. So, have you all ordered for the meals?
Z: Yes we have and we have also ordered for you. But the meals have not been given yet. Y, please ask the waitress.
Y: Waitress! Excuse me, when can I get my meal? I’ve been waiting for over 40 minutes. What’s the problem?
Waitress : What did you order?
Z: French fries, meat ball and roasted chicken.
Waitress : Just one moment, I’ll go inside and find out what the problem is.
Y: Okay. As soon as possible, please.
(After a few minutes)
Waitress : Sorry for the long waiting. Here’s your meal. That was a problem with the oven.
V: Thanks. Anyway, I’m sorry to say but music is too loud. Can you turn it down?
Waitress : We are so sorry, but this will never happen again. Is there anything else?
Z: I want to complain about the drinks. Actually, I also ordered Green Tea. But, you gave me Lemon Tea. I’d like the other one, please.
Waitress : Okay, Your milk green tea will be coming. I'm really sorry; we'll not do the same mistake again.
Nah, demikian teman Soalterbaru.com pola dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang, 3 orang, dan 4 orang wacana complaining. Semoga pola percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut mempermudah cara teman Soalterbaru.com untuk belajar percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan tema complaints sehingga teman Soalterbaru.com sekalian sanggup dengan gampang menciptakan percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang, 3 orang, atau 4 orang baik secara individu maupun dalam kelompok belajar. Untuk melihat lebih banyak pola percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris, silahkan klik di sini.

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